Animations:Main hatchs inner and outer (exit 1) open as Canopy or 'Select Item 1'.Use Folding Wings to operate the landing gear hatches(not usable during flight),and Tailhook to operate the Pod access hatch and bay doors. You have to use 'Extend ConcordeNose&VisorFully'and'Retract Concorde Nose&Vvisor Fully'in General Aircraft Commands(to operate the sheilds) ,'Select Item 2'in Simulator Commands(to operate the exit ramp(exit 2) ,also Water Rudder in Control Surface Commands(to operate the deck lift).

Takeoff: Set park brake,start engine,full flaps,full throttle,release brake, watch speed and retract flaps 1 setting every time speed starts to slow and hold her steady.May take alittle practice.OK maybe alot of practice!

Flight: Set throttle at about 50-60 percent for cruise.Autopilot works good.

Landing: Throttle down to 0, slow to around 150-200 at about 50 ft above the ground, lower gear.NO FLAPS, hit airbrake(spoiler) and parking brake.Hold her steady and set'er down.(hopefully)

Notes: You DO NOT have to set your fuel on unlimited (unless you want to) ,also I tried to adjust the dirt kickup from the gear, but when I changed the center gear latitude in the contact points in the cfg file the center gear quit working,so I couldn't make the dirt kickup look right.It's a vtol anyway.